New to bowls

Basic skills are easily picked up. You will be playing in teams and experienced members will guide you.

A typical afternoon

Teams of 3 or 4 people are drawn to play on 2 or 3 mats depending on attendance. During the afternoon, we play 3 games. The teams that play each other in the 1st game do so for the rest of the afternoon, changing mats at the direction of the duty officer. This means that each afternoon you get to know a group of 6 or 8 people. We have a tea break half way through the 2nd game.

The season

Most days are as described above, but we do have a programme of competitions which require advance entry.

People new to bowls are encouraged to enter for these competitions as soon as they have mastered the basics.


All equipment is provided. Your only outlay would be for clean flat-soled shoes.